What Business Leaders Should Know About Lithium-Ion ...

06 May.,2024


What Business Leaders Should Know About Lithium-Ion ...

Vice President of Sales at The Raymond Corporation, overseeing sales for Raymond's material handling products and intralogistics solutions.

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No matter what industry you’re in, it’s a given that your company wants to maximize its bottom line. While examining your energy solutions might not be top of mind, advances in energy technologies will continue to be instrumental in shaping the way facilities operate and stay competitive. Whether you’re looking to meet a government requirement, are interested in expanding corporate sustainability efforts or are simply interested in trying something new, lithium-ion energy solutions are worth looking into.

You might have heard a lot about lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), but do you know their potential for application? Since its introduction in 1991, lithium-ion has achieved widespread use in personal electronics and, in the past decade, electrified transportation and energy storage. Why? Because LIBs offer a cleaner, encapsulated solution that requires little ongoing maintenance, ultimately leading to increased productivity and cost savings. In my role as a sales leader for a company that uses the technology in products, I’ve seen firsthand where the technology can reach and what business leaders should know before including the technology in their energy strategy.

Why Now?

Lithium-ion costs have fallen by 98% in three decades, making now a good time to get on board. One estimate of the global market projects growth from USD 41.1 billion in 2021 to USD 116 billion by 2030. In electric vehicles alone, one estimate projects global sales of electric vehicles to climb from 1.7 million in 2020 to 26 million in 2030.

Lithium-Ion Highlights

Long-lasting and fast-charging, robust and efficient, lithium-ion technology has grown in part because of its ability to help enhance productivity in demanding applications.

Increased power capacity: Lithium-ion power provides longer run times with no decline in performance as the battery discharges. Lithium-ion batteries can maintain cell voltage levels approximately three times greater than the incumbent aqueous rechargeable chemistries.

Less equipment maintenance: Unlike lead-acid batteries, which require significantly more manual attention to maintain, including the constant monitoring and adjusting of fluid and water levels, lithium-ion batteries have built-in technologies that reduce maintenance needs.

Additional space: Lithium-ion power helps to eliminate the need to buy or store spare batteries for dramatic cost savings. Lithium-ion batteries provide dense energy storage and increased efficiency. In fact, nearly all the utility-scale battery systems installed in the United States in the past five years use lithium-ion technology.

Reduced labor costs: Lithium-ion batteries require less maintenance as opposed to lead-acid batteries, which require regular water maintenance. Aside from the need to charge occasionally, a lithium-ion battery can run without constant attention, resulting in peak operational efficiency, maximum worker productivity and reduced labor costs.

Quicker charging: A rechargeable lithium-ion battery allows your devices to perform at their peak.

Where Are Lithium-Ion Batteries Used?

Lithium-ion batteries are used in more than you know — you are probably using lithium-ion batteries in at least one of these applications right now: phones, cars, computers, watches or even medical devices. Aside from the automotive industry, two of the largest energy lithium-ion battery markets are material handling/forklifts and energy storage.

Heavy Machinery

As online shopping increases, the demand for lift trucks among retailers has escalated. In fact, nearly everything you have used today has at one point been touched by a forklift. Forklifts are not just used in warehouses and factories but are also prevalent across various industries, including automotive, aerospace, transportation, retail, manufacturing and construction.

Energy Storage

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Many lithium-ion batteries find new life as energy storage. For example, after no longer meeting the standards for electric vehicles, batteries can be repurposed as energy storage solutions.

While solar and wind continue to play a greater role in power generation, they require effective energy storage techniques for times when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t howling. Storing excess solar and wind-generated electricity and supplying it back to the grid or to local loads when needed can be a great way to offset traditional utility costs and make the most of your lithium-ion battery investment.

Despite all the benefits, lithium-ion batteries aren’t right for every application or all businesses. There are numerous factors to consider when investing in lithium-ion, whether it’s for an electric vehicle, a forklift or even a smartwatch. Before making an investment, it’s important to work with a partner who can identify your company’s unique needs and suggest the right energy solution for you.

Look for an energy solutions provider that works with you to understand your unique energy and operational needs in order to determine the right energy solutions. The first step towards implementation is conducting a power study to help gather data to get the full picture of your energy consumption and usage.

Once that is complete, a trusted partner can recommend and help implement the right solutions to ensure you are operating with the correct energy source for your application.

The right provider instills confidence that you’re getting the most out of your batteries, helping you to maximize your bottom line, optimize your operation and keep your business moving forward.

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How to build a Lithium-Ion Battery System for less than ...

Nissan Leaf Modules rebuilt into a pack
  1. Buy Used EV battery modules, such as the Nissan Leaf.
  2. Assemble Modules into a Pack and attach copper busbars.
  3. Buy a BMS and stack switch gear to protect the modules.
  4. Get the right inverter for the job.

You can purchase all the components on the Off Grid Solar Store.

1. Buy Used EV Battery Modules

I have seen a lot of people on the internet repurposing old laptop batteries and batteries from electric vehicles. This is a great way to acquire low cost, high quality batteries, but it does require a lot of work to disassemble, test, and sort them. I think this will become a common method in the future because a battery that doesn’t work well for an electric vehicle might still be a good fit for a battery energy storage system (BESS), since the charge and discharge rates are so much lower in a BESS compared to an EV. Typically a BESS uses much lower power compared to an EV that needs to accelerate quickly.

Building a lithium battery pack from used cells is a great way to save money and get more life out of something that would otherwise be discarded. Do not underestimate how useful a BMS can be to monitor and protect you from an unsafe condition, especially when using used cells. Please note that since a BMS set up incorrectly will not protect your pack from thermal runaway, you need to contact an expert to ensure the BMS is properly configured to protect the specific cells you are using.

Every battery cell is as unique as a snowflake, with microscopic variations on the cathode and anode material that result in slight functional variations. When manufacturers build new packs they grade and sort cells so that packs have nearly identical characteristics. They consider energy capacity, internal resistance, and manufacturing date. When you are building your pack from used cells, I recommend you do the same. If you want to build a 16 cell pack, you should buy more than 16 cells and “cherry pick” the best to match. If you use a high quality BMS, you can manage the variations and rebalance the pack after each cycle.

When batteries age their available amp-hour capacity decreases. Sometimes the internal resistance will increase too, which means the voltage drops proportionally to the current. If the voltage drops too low, then the system loses power. You can imagine this like a clogged pipe where the narrowing pipeline allows less flow than before.

Building a battery from used cells requires a strong foundation in battery and electrical knowledge and I only recommend it for experts.

2. Assemble Modules into a Pack and attach copper busbars

I sell a 4P busbar kit for Nissan LEAF for this configuration, see the details on the link above or on Off Grid Solar Store.

Design Guide for building a Nissan LEAF pack for energy storage

Nissan Leaf has a very unusually (and sometimes frustrating) way of stacking all of the modules together. There are holes in which you push a long rod through and fasten down on an end plate. If you get one piece backwards, then you have to start all over again, hence the frustration.

Stack a P-group of modules together usually 2–6 modules using the module type “A” with the positive terminals on one side, then alternate with module type “B”. This makes it easier when you are attaching bus bars in the series connections.

3. Buy a BMS and stack switch gear to protect the modules

Why is a Battery Management System (BMS) so Important? Lithium-ion batteries always require some electronics to protect the cells from extreme voltage, current, or temperatures. In many cases, a proprietary Battery Management System (BMS) comes with a battery pack to equalize and protect the individual battery cells. But you can also build a battery pack by assembling cells and adding a BMS. Most batteries other than lithium-ion do not require a BMS for safe usage. Lithium batteries are unique in this way because they can easily catch on fire if the voltage, peak current, or temperature for an individual cell is not kept under control.

Buy on the Off Grid Solar Store

A BMS monitors each cell and ensures each remains in a safe voltage range. Some mistakenly think they can ensure safety by simply keeping the overall pack voltage below a safe limit, ignoring the individual cell voltage. The problem with this approach is that it assumes that all the cells are in exact balance. In reality all battery cells have unique variations and they rarely have the same voltage and internal resistance. This causes each cell to drift on their state of charge and specific voltage. As a battery pack is charged and discharged many times the cells can become out of balance.

For example, if a pack voltage is measured at 28.8V for 8 cells in series, you might think that all cells are at 3.6V by taking the average of the pack voltage per cell.

28.8V / 8 cells = 3.6 average V per cell


If the cells are in perfect balance, then each cell would be at 3.6V. But all cells do not function the same. Every battery cell (lithium, lead-acid, etc.) is a unique snowflake. Its capacity, resistance characteristics, and aging patterns are all slightly different.

The magic of a BMS is that it can help you with these variations between cells. It can actively rebalance or discharge the highest cells so the average cell voltage and each individual cell’s voltages are close. It can also disconnect the pack if any one cell gets into an unsafe condition.

In the example above with a pack voltage of 28.8V, without a BMS there is no way to tell if any one cell has reached its maximum voltage limit. Below is an example of two packs with the same pack voltage but with very different cell voltages. Without a BMS there is no way to stop Cell #5 from overcharging.

Some people on the internet recommend managing the peak voltage on a cell by “top balancing” each cell before assembling the pack. This refers to manually charging all cells up to a peak voltage so that they all match. After they “top balance” the cells, they only monitor the pack voltage. What they fail to consider is that over time, all cells will naturally drift from each other and cell voltages will eventually not match at the top of the charge. As I described above, measuring exclusively pack voltage is a dangerous practice, as top balancing only reduces but does not eliminate the chance of thermal runaway.

4. Get the Right Inverter for the job!

Inverters convert direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), to render solar or battery power into energy usable for your home. But in some circumstances, it is useful, also, to be able to convert AC to DC as well (for example, to use a generator to charge batteries on cloudy winter days). AC to DC conversion is called rectifying; a rectifier changes AC to DC.

A Bi-Directional Inverter, also called a Hybrid or Battery Inverter, converts between both DC and AC. It can rectify (convert from AC to DC) and invert the power (convert from DC to AC). All that means is that the inverter also has a battery charger built into it. Some of these solar battery inverters also have the ability to convert high voltage DC from the solar array to a lower voltage for the battery. In this case it is simply an inverter with a battery charger and a charge controller in one box. It could be beneficial to buy all of these components in one box rather than have three separate components.

For more lithium ion battery manufacturerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.