Should I Get Solar Roofing Tiles for My Home? Pros & Cons

02 Jul.,2024


Should I Get Solar Roofing Tiles for My Home? Pros & Cons

Are you considering incorporating renewable energy into your home?

If you want to learn more, please visit our website photovoltaic tiles.


Solar roofing tiles offer a new and innovative way to capture and store energy from the sun while serving as functional roofing materials. In this blog, we will discuss the pros and cons of solar roofing tiles, helping you make an informed decision about whether they are the right choice for your home.


Discover how solar roof installation can enhance your home&#;s energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Contact Yorkshire Roofing today at (800) 794- for more information. Embrace renewable energy solutions, and take a step towards a greener and more sustainable home!


What are Solar Roof Tiles?


Solar roof tiles, also known as solar shingles or solar roof shingles, are photovoltaic panels designed to resemble traditional roofing materials. Made of layers of crystalline silicon or thin-film solar cells, they capture sunlight and convert it into electricity while seamlessly blending with the roof&#;s aesthetic.


These durable and weather-resistant tiles provide both electrical generation and roofing protection, offering an integrated and visually pleasing solar solution. While they may be more expensive than traditional solar panels, the costs can vary based on installation complexity, system size, and tile type chosen.


The Pros of

Solar Roofing



Green Energy


By installing solar roof tiles, you can generate electricity for your home in an environmentally friendly manner. While it may not cover your entire energy consumption, solar energy significantly reduces your reliance on the grid and lowers your monthly utility bills.


Thus, with solar roof installation, you are one step closer to embracing sustainable living.


Aesthetically Pleasing


Unlike traditional asphalt shingles, solar roof tiles offer a sleek and modern appearance. With their sharp design, they enhance the overall look of your roof. In short, you&#;ll enjoy a cleaner, more attractive roofline.


Energy-bill Savings


Reducing energy costs is of utmost importance when considering going solar. In a standard home roof installation, the number of tiles plays a significant role in decreasing the utility bill, with potential savings from 40% to 70%. Of course, energy output can be further increased with additional tiles.




Despite being made of glass, solar roof tiles are highly durable. In fact, they are much more resilient than commonly used roofing tiles. They are also made to withstand harsh weather conditions. So with solar roof tiles, you can rest assured that your roof is built to last.




Solar roof tiles are designed to have extended lifespans, often exceeding 20 years. But note that their durability can vary depending on the manufacturer and installation.


So when buying solar shingles, make sure to pay attention to the warranties offered, particularly the distinction between power warranties. The duration of solar shingle warranties can extend for several decades, reflecting their production quality, while warranties for the shingles&#; durability can cover the entire lifespan of the home.


The Cons of

Solar Roofing





Solar roof systems can be expensive, with prices exceeding those of traditional solar panels. You may pay up to $20,000 (and even more for popular brands!) for solar roof tiles compared to standard panels.


However, it&#;s important to note that solar roof tiles offer added durability and aesthetics that might be worth the investment for some homeowners.

For more pv roof tilesinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.




Due to their smaller size, solar roof tiles generate less electricity than traditional solar panels. Their reduced surface area limits their heat dissipation capabilities, impacting overall energy production.


Typically, solar roof systems produce an average of 13-70W of electricity per shingle. In comparison, solar panels can generate up to 400W of electricity per panel per hour.




Another drawback of solar roof tiles is their inability to be easily moved or transferred to another location. Unlike solar panels, which offer greater flexibility as they can be relocated, solar roof tiles are custom-fit and cannot be disassembled for installation on another home.


Return on Investment (ROI)


The ROI for solar roof tiles can vary based on various factors, including geography and weather conditions. Regions with abundant sunshine, like Arizona, California, and Nevada, typically experience the greatest benefits from solar roof installations.


Your home&#;s orientation to the sun also plays a significant role. The ideal scenario is to have a roof that faces south or has a close alignment to the south direction. This orientation maximizes the exposure of the solar roof tiles to the sun&#;s rays throughout the day, optimizing their energy generation potential.


If your roof has an unfavorable orientation, such as facing north, east, or west, it may receive less direct sunlight, leading to reduced solar energy generation. While solar roof tiles can still generate electricity under such conditions, the overall efficiency and output may be lower compared to an optimally oriented system.


Are Solar Roof Tiles Safe?


With the advancement of solar technology, solar roof tiles have emerged as an innovative solution. While they are a relatively new technology, manufacturers have dedicated considerable efforts to enhance their durability and safety.



Solar roof tiles are designed with safety as a top priority, just like any other electrical system. They undergo rigorous research and development processes, including testing for performance, reliability, and adherence to safety standards. Manufacturers strive to ensure that the materials used in solar roof tiles are fire-resistant, weatherproof, and capable of withstanding various environmental conditions.


However, it is important to acknowledge that, like any electrical system, there is always a minimal risk of system failure. Factors such as faulty installation, external damage, or extreme weather conditions can potentially impact the performance of solar roof tiles. Nevertheless, such instances are rare, and the industry continuously improves safety measures and installation practices to minimize any associated risks.


Should You Invest in Solar Roof Tiles?


Solar roofing tiles provide an alternative option that is more aesthetically appealing compared to traditional solar panels. They can be seamlessly integrated into your current roof or even replace it entirely.


However, they are less efficient and have low power output than standard panels. This means that you&#;ll need more solar shingles to generate sufficient energy.


In short, solar roof installations are particularly suitable for homeowners interested in having solar power and replacing their existing roofs, as opting for a solar roof system can help reduce material costs.


Ready To Embrace

Solar Roof Systems



If you believe solar roofing tiles are the right choice for your home, reach out to us at Yorkshire Roofing. Let&#;s explore the best solar roofing solution for you, and our team will guide you through the entire process and ensure a hassle-free installation.


Don&#;t miss out on the benefits of solar roof installation. Call (800) 794- and start harnessing the power of the sun today!

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Shingles

Solar shingles have become a popular option in recent years as the technology matures and improved designs appear on the market. If you&#;re considering solar shingles for your mountain home or commercial property, there are a few advantages and disadvantages to be aware of.

Advantages of Solar Shingles

  • Because they look like regular shingles and come in many sizes and styles, they can complement almost any building decor.
  • They eliminate the need for a large installation area that traditional solar panels require.
  • Installation is simple and hassle free.
  • They can be combined with conventional shingles to cover large or complex roofs.
  • As a newer technology, they are competitive with traditional panels, producing around 13-17 watts of electricity.
  • When installed properly, they are able to withstand high winds, heavy snow and hail.

Disadvantages of Solar Shingles

  • Because they cannot store energy, they will not provide power at night or during storms.
  • The roof must be at the correct angle for the shingles to catch the sun.
  • There must be sufficient surface area to install solar shingles to collect enough light to produce electricity.

Have questions about whether solar shingles are right for your roof? Call The Roofing Company for an on-site consulation.

For more information, please visit solar pv roof tiles.