Body Armour Protection Types

15 Jul.,2024


Body Armour Protection Types

Body armour does not simply refer to bulletproof vests, as all protection equipment can be classed as body armour if it is worn, including stab and spikeproof vests. Vests that are designed to protect against bullets will not be able to protect against edged and spiked weapons, such as knives, bottles or needles. Similarly, a vest that is resistant to edged blades may not be able to protect against spiked weapons. The following articles will explain the differences between ballistic, knife and spike protection.

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The Difference Between Stab and Spike Protection

A bulletproof vest works by trapping and flattening a bullet within protective fibres, dispersing the energy across the vest. An edged weapon like a knife will impact in the same way but will cut these protective fibres, rendering the vest useless. Similarly, a spiked weapon will pass through the minute gaps in the fabric, again rendering it purposeless. Therefore, a bulletproof vest will not protect against edged or spiked weapons. &#;Edged&#; and &#;spiked&#; weapons refer to &#;stab&#; and &#;spike&#;, and though the terms are often used interchangeably, edged weapons (referring to knives, bottles, etc.) and spiked weapons (referring to syringes, ice picks, stilettos, etc.) are the preferred terms.

Stabproof vests protect against edged blade weapons, and still, utilise Aramid fibre or Dyneema like a bulletproof vest does. However, to protect against edged weapons these vests will need to use either chainmail or laminate. Both of these materials have their advantages and disadvantages; chainmail, for example, is heavier than laminate but will offer increased protection against edged weapons. Laminate, on the other hand, will protect against spiked weapons.

Spikeproof vests differ from stabproof vests because they require a tough and solid surface to prevent spiked weapons from penetrating. Therefore, a spiked-proof vest has to have layers of laminate added to Aramid fibre to make it truly protective. This tough layer of plastic will prevent penetration and will slow a spiked weapon. Whether you require a stab-proof or spike-proof vest, it is important to ensure that it meets the appropriate standards as outlined by the NIJ and CAST.

Multi-Threat Armour

As has already been noted in other articles, a stabproof vest differs from bullet and spikeproof vests in its protective capacity and manufacture; it will only protect against edged weapons. This means it will not protect against spiked weapons. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the threats you will likely face to be able to choose the appropriate armour. However, many cannot accurately determine what threats they will be facing- conversely, some may know they will be facing multiple threats involving different types of weapons. For these people, choosing between a ballistic or stab vest would leave them inadequately protected, so armour that can protect against different types of threats is necessary.

This is available in the form of multi-threat vests, which use a tighter Aramid fibre/Dyneema weave and either chainmail or laminate to offer protection against stab and spike weapons respectively. For many, a multi-threat vest is ideal, as Police or Prison Officers, for example, may face a wide range of threats, all of which can prove deadly without proper protective clothing.

&#;Hard&#; and &#;Soft&#; Armour

Just as there is diversity within body armour, so too does the term &#;bulletproof vest&#; incorporate several different things, namely &#;hard&#; and &#;soft&#; armour. Hard and soft armour refers to the materials used to create protective clothing, with hard armour naturally using harder materials than soft armour. These are usually split along the lines of their protection, with hard armour offering more protection than soft armour. Of course, all armour is tested and graded accordingly, and you should ensure your vest meets the appropriate standard.

Body armour can be split into two parts; the carrier and the plates. The carrier refers to the vest itself, which carries the plates which make it protective. These protective plates differ depending on whether they are &#;soft&#; or &#;hard&#;. Soft armour uses plates of Aramid fibre or Dyneema, a flexible and light plastic-based fabric that is made from plastic and can protect against much firearm ammunition and impact trauma. Hard armour, on the other hand, has plates of ceramics, steel or titanium. The main difference between these two types of armour is the size and weight, with hard armour naturally being much heavier and bulkier. This makes any vest with these plates more uncomfortable, and it is not recommended that hard armour is worn for long periods. However, if the situation calls for it then it will offer unparalleled protection.

One of the other problems of hard armour is temperature control, which is a common problem with body armour in general. However, the thicker and heavier it is, the more it increases the temperature. One of the main complaints of Police Officers, for example, is that body armour is simply too uncomfortable to wear for extended periods, and this is especially true of hard armour at a higher level of protection. This is why you must be aware of the most likely threats so that you can utilise appropriate armour.

How Reliable Are Stab Vests?

Stab vests have come an essential piece of equipment for many security professionals today, but how reliable are they?

To start with, please let me highlight that no stab vests are completely &#;impenetrable&#;. This is one of the reasons why most companies refer to their products as &#;stab resistant vests&#; or &#;stab resistant body armour&#;.

All bullet or stab resistant vest, or dual threat vests (offering both ballistic and edged weapon protection) can be defeated. How? The stated performance levels are simply subject to the type of edged weapon the body armour is potentially being subjected to (i.e. standard kitchen knife, combat knife, machete, meat cleaver, broken bottles etc.) the speed of the attack, and the angle the knife is heading your way.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Stab-Proof Vest.

Stab vests are made from a range of different materials, for example aramid fibres (i.e. Kevlar®), polycarbonate or if you really want to be on the safe side, carbon-fibre.

You need to know that fine variations between available models can indeed make the great difference of you coming home safely or not at all. Some body armour manufacturers will make phenomenal claims, of which many are most certainly unsustainable. Not being able to &#;read between the lines&#; may well see you end up purchasing stab vests, which ultimately will not d their job the day it matters the most.

Governments all over the world have put very sensible &#;safety nets&#; in place. They make mandatory that stab vests are being officially tested and consequently certified, so any body armour manufacturer can substantiate the claims they are making. All certifications should be made easily available to all potential customers or clients, so they can make the best possible and more importantly most informative decision.

Stab Vests | Ask for the certifications

Each performance level must have its specific certification. This means CAST KR1 certified stab vests are certified against this unique threat: Knives&#; and that means knives only!

However, CAST KR1/SP1 certified stab vests are certified against both, knifes and spikes. There is a real difference here. Not all stab vests offer spike protection, please be aware of that.

You are within your rights to ask your provider to present the appropriate certifications. In fact, you really should do so.

The following video is featuring a scientific test rig, testing a body armour against a knife:

In regard to the protection from blunt force, or also called impact protection, the situation is the very same. Only because a body armour manufacturer is utilising or incorporating a more rigid material or &#;trauma liner&#;, it doesn&#;t mean it is or will be &#;certified&#;. In fact, its performance remains unknown or questionable until a certification has been issued. To seek clarification, you must ask for the certification. There is in fact a dedicated certification available, the German body armour standard/certification called VPAM W1-W5.

PPSS Group&#;s highly acclaimed stab vests are the UK&#;s only model offering the highest level of blunt force or impact protection W5 (100 Joules of impact energy). Our video demo gives you an indication what level of protection this represents in &#;real life&#;:


In case you have any questions or wish to meet with our Technical Director Colin Mackinnon (27 years with UK Police, Counter Terrorism, Surveillance, Covert Ops and Firearms) please contact us.

For more Bulletproof Stab Proof Vestinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.