Architectural Uses For Perforated Metal Panels

10 Jun.,2024


Architectural Uses For Perforated Metal Panels

Modern architecture values flair and functionality. Few materials achieve both as well as decorative sheet metal. Including perforated metal in architecture is a smart way to provide shading, noise control and more while it also serves as a stunning visual feature. Building designers can take advantage of various materials and styles to serve countless architectural purposes.

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Following are some key benefits of architectural perforated metal, and tips to make the most of its potential uses.

Aesthetic Benefits

Architectural metal panels are eye-catching. For years, metal in architecture has inspired distinguished designs. Perforated metal is even more dominant as a feature, as it allows a designer to make more creative use of light, sound, and visual depth. Designs can include perforated metal for decorative pillars, ceilings, and walls, not to mention standalone art. It is also commonly used as a screen or building facade.

If the goal is to be visually appealing, a designer can make use of a range of hole shapes and patterns &#; such as round or hexagonal. In terms of material, a designer also can be more flexible, depending on whether the material will be used inside or outside. Lastly, while functional perforated metal might have a load to bear, metal panels that are strictly decorative can be made from weaker materials.

Functional Design

Of course, functionality is also crucial in building design. Perforated metal can be incorporated in this area, as well. Here are just a few uses for functional perforated metal in architecture:

  • Sound absorption. Perforated metal is an excellent option for diffusing sound. For example, perforated metal panels can be installed along a ceiling to prevent echoes. This function is common in commercial buildings and office spaces, where high levels of sound can be distracting.
  • Privacy. In many cases, you want a material that shields you but does not block all light. Perforated metal can be customized to allow just the right amount of light to flow while effectively keeping you out of view.
  • Drainage. Stairs, benches and more are commonly made with perforated metal because it doesn&#;t allow water to pool. This is useful for outdoor design or indoor spaces &#; such as factories &#; where spills can be hazardous.

For functional design&#;especially in applications that require the panels to hold weight&#;you should consider stronger materials, such as perforated aluminum, perforated stainless steel, or perforated galvanized metal. Likewise, some materials are better than others for sound absorption. Accurate Perforating Company would be happy to discuss the pros and cons of every type of material we offer.

Why You Should Rely on Accurate Perforating Company

Accurate Perforating Company is a top choice for innovative building designers. We offer a wide range of options for both aesthetic and functional design. With more than eighty of experience, our team can help you make the best decision possible regarding perforated metal, depending on your specific application.

We also prioritize our customers. Our team takes a personal approach to providing custom options that suit your needs. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

Perforated Metals: Types, Uses, Features and Benefits

Perforated Metals

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This article takes an in depth look at perforated metals and their use.

You will learn more about topics such as:

  • What are Perforated Metals
  • How Perforated Metals are Made
  • Types of Metals Used to Produce Perforated Metals
  • Uses for Perforated Metals
  • And much more&#;

Chapter One &#; What are Perforated Metals?

Perforated metals are sheets of metal that have had decorative shapes, and holes punched or stamped into their surface for practical or aesthetic purposes. The perforation of metal sheets takes several forms and includes a variety of geometrical patterns and designs. The process of perforation is adaptable to a wide array of applications and capable of providing satisfying solutions for enhancing the appearance and performance of a structure.

Though perforated metals are aesthetically pleasing, they have several functions beyond their appearance. They are an excellent method for screening light since they allow light to pass through but to a lesser degree. A major application for perforated metals is as a noise and sound suppressant to provide a quieter and more comfortable work atmosphere. The architecture industry makes the most use of perforated metals as accent pieces. Other industries, such as food and beverage, chemical and energy, and acoustics use perforated metals for practical applications such as filtering sound and fluids.

Chapter Two &#; How Perforated Metals are Made

There are several methods used to perforate metals. The essential part of the process is the type of sheet metal that will be formed, which is thin and flat and can be easily cut and bent. The thickness of the metals is expressed in gauges with larger numbers indicating thinner metals.

Since perforated metals have a variety of shapes punched or stamped into them, the process is insignificant as long as it produces the necessary holes in the metal sheets. Common methods for making perforated metals include die and punch and needles on a roller.

Making Perforated Metals

Metal Sheets

Though soft metals are the easiest to perforate, such as aluminum and copper, there are very few restrictions regarding the metals that can be perforated. What is most important is the thickness of the metal, which determines how aggressive the punching or stamping process must be. The function and requirements of the final product play a major part in determining the metal to be used.

The thickness of the metal influences the amount of time required to do the perforation and the quality of the final product. Also, thinner metals are less expensive and can be easily worked. The strength of the metal is related to its use, whether it will be for an industrial or decorative application. The placement of decorative metals determines how strong they must be since they can be used as supports for a structure as well as a means for improving a structure&#;s aesthetic appeal.

Pattern Variety

Every type of perforated metal sheet can have a variety of patterns, each of which is designed to serve a specific function. Patterns for architectural use are ornate, decorative, and aesthetically pleasing. For industrial uses, such as filtration, drainage, and screening, the patterns are more conventional and uniform.

Staggered patterns can have end patterns that are finished or unfinished, with unfinished end ones being the standard. With an unfinished pattern, the holes in the pattern are incomplete at the end of the sheet. This allows for sheets to be placed together to form a continuous pattern between sheets.

The margin in a pattern is the distance from the edge of the sheet to the first perforation and is a space completely around the edge of the sheet. In no margin sheets, the pattern ends at the edge of the sheet.

Method of Perforating

There are several choices when it comes to deciding on a method for perforating metals. The most common is rotary pinned perforation rollers with pins or needles capable of making the required shape in the metal sheet. The process of rotary pinned perforation can be hot or cold. In the hot process, the pin rollers are heated and produce holes with increased tensile strength. Cold rotary pinned perforation is performed on thinner and more ductile materials and produces punctures that have a volcanic appearance.

Other perforating methods include laser, plasma, water jet, die and punch, and nibbling. The choice of method is dependent on several factors, including the speed of the process and the types of perforations.

Laser perforation is the most expensive and advanced method for performing perforations. It is very precise and accurate, with results that are similar to rotary pinned perforation with hot needles. The main benefits of laser perforating are its consistency and control of the size, dimensions, and precision of the pattern.

Lubrication of Metal Sheets

The process of perforating metals can create 1,000,000 punctures per minute with exceptional speed, accuracy, and precision. The speed of the punching process creates a great deal of friction from the contact between the metals. This necessitates a method for cooling the metal sheets after they have been punctured. A light oil lubricant is used to cool the metal sheets as they exit the punching process.

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    Chapter Three &#; Types of Metals Used to Produce Perforated Metals

    There is a limitless number of metals that can be shaped and machined by the perforation process. The choice of what metal is dependent on how the metal will be used. Sturdy, durable, and strong metals are fabricated for industrial processes and structural applications.

    Lightweight metals, such as aluminum and copper, can easily be stamped and punched by the perforation process. Harder metals, such as steel and titanium, require a more aggressive method but can still be perforated.

    Metals Used in the Production of Perforated Metals

    Brass Alloy

    Brass is an alloy of zinc and copper. The combination of the two metals can be adjusted to give brass an assortment of properties, such as increased strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance. Much like copper, brass can easily be perforated. Brass has a very appealing gold like finish, which gives it an exceptional visual appeal. The sturdiness of brass makes it applicable for practical and aesthetic applications.

    Copper Sheets

    Perforated copper sheets have great visual appeal, which makes them ideal for interior designs and decorative applications. When exposed to the elements, unfinished copper forms a corrosion resistant outer surface of copper carbonate that has a greenish tint. Copper has an unlimited life span and can be easily recycled.

    Galvanized Steel

    Galvanized steel is a perfect material for use in hostile and harsh environments because it is resistant to corrosion, is economical, and exceptionally strong. Steel is a very strong material but rusts when exposed to the weather. Galvanized steel has a solid zinc coating that blocks corrosive elements such as moisture, water, and humidity. It has the strength of steel with its endurance with the added feature of withstanding rugged conditions.

    Iron Metal

    Iron is one of the oldest metals and has been used over time for a wide variety of applications. It is exceptionally strong and can endure any type of stressful use. Iron is widely used for perforated applications and has been adapted to fit the needs of modern designs and requirements.

    Nickel Alloys

    The composition of nickel alloys makes them flexible enough to be used for indoor and outdoor applications. Nickel&#;s outstanding strength and toughness are superior to most metals and are the reason it is so valued for construction applications. It is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and is corrosion resistant. Nickel is an ideal metal for wet, humid, and moist environments.

    Perforated Aluminum

    There are several characteristics of aluminum that make it an appealing material for perforation. Since it is lightweight and durable, it is easy to install. Its silvery finish gives it a pleasing visual appeal for use as a decorative accent. Aluminum is widely used as a design feature for architectural applications. Its exceptional resistance to corrosion ensures its endurance and long life span.

    Perforated Titanium

    The two grades of titanium used to manufacture perforated metals are TA1 and TA2. Titanium is one of the strongest metals and has an exceptionally high strength to weight ratio. It has an oxide layer that serves as protection against corrosion. Titanium is 40% lighter than steel and 60% heavier than aluminum. The light weight of titanium makes it an ideal metal for structural applications.

    Stainless Steel

    Stainless steel can be used for nearly any application due to its strength, resistance to corrosion, and pleasing visual appeal. The resistance of stainless steel to corrosion is due to its steel content being alloyed with chromium that helps it resist the formation of ferric oxide. The percentage of chromium and other metals in stainless steel is the determining factor regarding its many grades.

    Chapter Four &#; Uses for Perforated Metals

    The simplicity of making perforated metals tends to hide their many uses. Though perforated metals are simply sheets of metal punched and stamped with holes, it can be errantly assumed that they have limited use. Actually, perforated metals have many uses, from serving as protection and sound suppressant to decoration and eye catching centerpieces.

    The many uses of perforated metals are directly related to their strength, endurance, and flexibility since they can be shaped and adapted to fit any conditions. In addition, the many types of metals used to produce perforated metals gives designers the flexibility to choose the correct metal for their applications.

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    Perforated Metal Uses

    Uses in Vehicles

    The many forms of vehicles we use are a necessity for the movement of people and materials. They are highly complex and technical pieces of equipment that require durable structural materials that are long lasting. In addition, the materials used to produce vehicles have to be lightweight but still capable of protecting their contents and passengers.

    Perforated metals are an ideal material used for the manufacture of automobiles and trucks. They have excellent strength but are lightweight enough to fit a vehicle's needs. Perforated metals can be found in grilles, muffler guards, heat shields, ventilation screens, and tread plates. Being able to build a vehicle component from a single sheet of metal improves productivity and the efficiency of an application.

    Uses in Architecture

    Perforated metals have been used in architecture for hundreds of years. Originally, the decorative perforations were created by hand and took several weeks or months to produce. With the many advancements in machining and technology, today&#;s perforated metals for architectural designs are created in minutes and come in a wide assortment of shapes, designs, and configurations.

    Though the choice of perforated metals for architecture is primarily based on their aesthetic value, they also serve a very practical structural purpose by adding additional sustainability to a building. One function of perforated metals on structures is to keep a building cool by absorbing heat but still letting light through, which lowers cooling and heating costs.

    Food Production

    The first requirement for any material used by the food industry is exceptional cleanliness and hygiene. The many varieties of perforated metals easily meet this essential standard and are used for cleaning, heating, steaming, and draining food products during preparation.

    In cereal processing, perforated metals are used for screening raw grains and removing unwanted materials mixed with the grains. They gently and thoroughly remove dirt, shells, stones, and small bits from corn, rice, and legume, to name a few.

    Noise Control

    Perforated metals are used in two ways for noise control: a facing and part of tuned resonant absorption. In the case of facing, perforated metals are used as a protective and decorative covering for acoustical equipment and are designed to absorb, reflect, or scatter sound. Sound waves pass through the perforated metal without being diminished for acoustic treatment.

    Certain noise control systems require the control or removal of sounds in a narrow frequency range. In a device, known as a resonant sound absorber, the perforated metal oscillates in response to sound waves. The oscillation becomes violent and creates friction, which removes the unwanted frequencies.

    Retail Displays

    The many characteristics and qualities of perforated metals make them ideal for retail displays since they can be both attractive and appealing as well as strong and durable. Perforated metal shelving allows for unobstructed air flow while providing a pleasing design.

    The flexibility of perforated metals allows for easy and instant changes to product placement, which is due to the light weight and maneuverability of perforated metal fixtures and displays. The design of a selling floor can be changed to feature specific products and position others for seasonal displays.

    Chapter Five &#; Perforated Metal Machinery

    The basic form of perforated metals is the same regardless of the process used to make them. There are several types of machines that have been developed to produce perforated metals from traditional punch presses to highly technical programmed CNC machines.

    The process chosen to produce perforated metals depends on the cost, production time, and the type of metal. It is difficult to determine if one perforating process is better than another though there are processes that are used more frequently than others.

    Modern perforation depends on a select number of manufacturing methods. Each of the varying types has its unique advantages, purpose, and value. The three main kinds are punch press, rotary pinned perforation, and laser perforation.

    Perforated Metal Machinery

    Punch Press

    Punch presses have interchangeable perforation tools that are designed to punch, pierce, or stamp any number of designs and shapes. Of the two types of punch presses, the wide press type is the most commonly used to produce perforated metals. The second variety of punch press is the XY axis machine.

    Wide Punch Press

    A wide punch press can have metal fed in sheets or coiled rolls. As the material passes through the machine, the ram rapidly descends on the metal, striking it with great force to produce a complete row of holes in one single motion. Wide punch presses can create perforated sheets rapidly in large quantities.

    XY Axis

    XY axis machines have a single die or cluster of dies attached to the ram. The material remains stationary as the ram moves across it, making the various punches. The XY axis process takes more time but can produce a variety of shapes on a single work piece.

    In the majority of cases, XY axis punch machines are CNC programmable for the positioning of the metal sheet and the punching of the holes.

    Rotary Pinned Roller

    A rotary pinned roller perforating machine has a large cylinder as its main component that has pointed needles evenly spaced around its circumference. The sheet metal is pressed under the needles as the roller continuously turns, punching the sheet. The rotary pinned roller perforating process is a very rapid perforating method that operates at considerable speed. Numerous holes are punched as the sheets of metal pass under the roller.

    Laser Perforating Method

    Unlike rotary pinned roller and punch press perforation methods, laser perforation is a non-contact metal perforating process that uses lasers to burn small holes into the metal sheet. The laser perforating method is accurate and precise, capable of making cuts with exceptional consistency. The results of the laser method produce holes that have a reinforced ring around them, which is also common with rotary pinned roller hot perforating.

    The holes produced by laser perforating can be as small as five microns in diameter, which is a very small portion of the diameter of a human hair. The principle of laser perforating is based on the concept of directing focused light at a very small point on the metal sheet.

    Chapter Six - Leading Metal Perforating Machinery

    There are numerous machines available to perform metal perforation in the United States and Canada. These machines are essential in today's society because they enable efficient and precise fabrication of metal components used in various industries, including automotive, architecture, food production, and various applications, contributing to technological advancements and economic growth. We examine many of these leading machines below in greater detail.

    Trumpf TruPunch

    Manufacturer: Trumpf

    Features: The Trumpf TruPunch is a highly popular and versatile machine known for its high-speed punching capabilities and automation features. It is equipped with a fast hydraulic punching head and a wide range of tool options, allowing it to handle various perforation tasks efficiently. The machine's intelligent control system and user-friendly interface make it easy to program and operate.

    Amada EMK

    Manufacturer: Amada

    Features: The Amada EMK is renowned for its accuracy, speed, and reliability. It utilizes servo-electric punching technology, which offers higher energy efficiency and reduces the environmental impact. This machine's automatic tool changer and sheet handling system streamline the perforation process and minimize downtime between jobs.

    Murata Wiedemann Motorum EZ

    Manufacturer: Murata Machinery

    Features: The Murata Wiedemann Motorum EZ is favored for its space-saving design and innovative tooling options. It employs a hybrid mechanical-electrical punching system, providing high punching rates while maintaining lower energy consumption and is known for its robust construction, durability, and low maintenance requirements.

    Finn Power C5 Compact Express

    Manufacturer: Prima Power (formerly Finn Power)

    Features: The Finn Power C5 Compact Express is a versatile and efficient machine suitable for various metal perforation tasks. It features a rotating turret with a large number of stations, allowing for quick tool changes and a wide range of perforation options. This machine's compact footprint and ergonomic design make it ideal for space-limited workshops.

    LVD Strippit PX-Series

    Manufacturer: LVD Company NV

    Features: The LVD Strippit PX-Series is known for its high-performance capabilities and excellent accuracy. They utilize a hybrid drive system, combining hydraulic and electric punching for optimal speed and efficiency and their advanced control system offers intuitive programming and simulation features, enabling operators to visualize the perforation process before production.

    These machines have gained popularity in the metal fabrication industry due to their innovative features, automation capabilities, precision, and efficiency. However, as technology evolves, new models might have emerged with even more advanced features and functionalities. Additionally, it's essential to consider your specific application needs and consult with industry experts to select the most suitable machine for your aluminum perforation requirements.

    Chapter Seven &#; The Advantages of Perforated Metals

    The many uses of perforated metals have made them an essential part of a variety of applications. They are easy to work, install, and have exceptional characteristics and properties that make them long lasting and durable. In many cases, designers and engineers depend on perforated metals as structural supports and offer an aesthetic appeal.

    The various methods of production and the many metals make perforated metals an easy and flexible choice when planning a construction project or trying to find the right final piece that has the correct appearance.

    The Advantages of Perforated Metals

    Aesthetic Advantages for Metal

    Since perforated metals are seen on office buildings, school buildings, stadiums, and other structures, it may be assumed that their only value is as a finishing touch or accent piece for buildings. An important purpose for perforated metals is to offer a pleasant and satisfying appearance. It was the reason that they were first used many years ago.

    With technological improvements and an endless number of options for hole shapes, sizes, geometric designs and patterns, and types of finishes, perforated metals can be shaped and configured to fit the needs of any structure for its interior or exterior. Perforated metals ability to filter natural lighting to create an aesthetically appealing atmosphere is an additional benefit to their structural use.

    Versatility of Perforated Metals

    Part of the versatility of perforated metals is their ability to be bent, shaped, and configured to meet the needs of an application and design. The many uses for perforated metals include sound suppression, infills for railings, barriers above and below railings, covers for columns, filtration for fluids and light, and coverings for windows.

    Perforated Metal Durability

    A confusing aspect of perforated metals is their durability. In many cases, something that has an aesthetic appeal is not durable, strong, or resilient. Normally, such materials are fragile and need to be handled with care. This is not the case for perforated metals.

    Perforated metals are traditionally made from such durable metals as stainless steel, galvanized steel, and iron. When fabricated into perforated designs, these metals have the same aesthetic appeal as lighter metals but are strong enough to endure harsh and stressful conditions. This particular feature of perforated metals is one of the reasons that they are so widely used.

    Energy Savings

    The use of perforated metals to block light and balance interior lighting and temperature offers the benefit of saving on heating and cooling costs. Perforated metals block the light of the sun and prevent the sun from heating up a building but still provide enough light such that there is less need for the use of interior lighting. By controlling the amount of heat from the sun, perforated metals assist in lowering heating and cooling costs providing substantial savings in energy usage.


    All perforated metals are the ultimate green construction material since they can easily be recycled and reused multiple times. This particular aspect is in addition to their use as a means of saving on energy costs. The concept of sustainability has become a foundational goal of industrial and manufacturing operations. The use of perforated metals is in keeping with the sustainability initiative.

    Acoustic Control

    The use of perforated metals is a great way to diffuse sound and reduce acoustic emissions. When perforated metals are installed along the edge of a ceiling, they prevent echoes and suppress sounds. They are widely used as a covering and protection for acoustical equipment with the purpose of absorbing or reflecting sounds.

    Pressure Equalization

    Perforated metals are installed on the sides of buildings slightly off the surface. Their installation is similar to siding except for the fact that the majority of their surface does not touch the surface of the building. The distance between the building and the perforated metals allows for pressure equalization between the space behind the perforated metal and the exterior of the building. Pressure equalization is very important in tall buildings since they are subject to wind loading.


    • Perforated metals are sheets of metal that have had decorative shapes and holes punched or stamped into their surface for practical or aesthetic purposes.
    • Though perforated metals are aesthetically pleasing, they have several functions beyond their appearance.
    • There are several methods used to perforate metals. The essential part of the process is the type of sheet metal that will be formed, which is thin and flat and can be easily cut and bent.
    • There is a limitless number of metals that can be shaped and machined by the perforation process. The choice of the metal is dependent on how the metal will be used.
    • The many uses of perforated metals are directly related to their strength, endurance, and flexibility since they can be shaped and adapted to fit any conditions.

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