10 Important Things You Need To Know About Bulletproof ...

22 Jul.,2024


10 Important Things You Need To Know About Bulletproof ...

1.Bulletproof Is A Relative Term

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In the real world nothing is absolutely bulletproof. The Kevlar made bulletproof vests are actually bullet resistant and graded to a specific level of protection according to the international standards for ballistic resistance, one of the most used is NIJ .04. The reality is that bullet resistant vests don&#;t protect the wearer from every single threat existing, instead they are designed to withstand specific calibers and types of bullets. And for stab protection you&#;d need a completely different type of body armor with very specific ballistic systems. Wearing a bulletproof vest does not turn you into Superman.

Our advice: Carefully consider what type of threats you&#;ll need to be protected from and order vests designed to defeat them.


2. A Vest&#;s Lifespan

The majority of body armor produced by MARS Armor has a 5 to 10 years of warranty. The vests are designed to keep their protective qualities for the specified period. A body armor which is worn every day loses the protective capability quicker than the one which sits on a shelf. No matter how much time the body armor has been worn, the vest should be carefully looked over for any signs of damage &#; creases, tears, smells and burns. If properly taken care of, the vest should last for the entire warranty period and even a long time after its expiry.

Our advice: Check regularly your vest for signs of external damage and be sure to follow the care instructions.


3. You Can Wash/Clean the Bulletproof Vest&#;s Outershell Carrier, Keep A Carrier Spare

It is a good idea to have two carriers for your armor. In this way you&#;ll always have a ready to wear vest, even if you&#;ve just washed one of them. The alternative is to skip wearing your vest when you&#;ve washed it, and this could be dangerous. So it&#;s important that you have a minimum of two carriers &#; one to wash/clean, another to wear.

Our advice: Get a spare carrier. Keep the carriers clean and dry to ensure the ballistic panels will last for the entire warranty period.


4. How To Clean The Soft Armor Ballistic Panels

The ballistic panels are the part of the vest which provides the actual bullet resistance. To ensure their proper function, you must store, use and clean them exactly as the manual specifies. When you need to clean the vest&#;s ballistic panels, use a damp sponge and a mild soap. Never, toss them into the washer and/or dryer. Never iron them either, as irons will cause the fiber to burn or melt.

Our advice: Follow the cleaning instructions to the letter. Do not launder or dry clean the body armor!


5. Put Your Bulletproof Vests Up In A Closet

Don&#;t forget that ballistic panels comprise of several layers of bullet resistant fibers. If they become bent or are out of shape, you cannot straightened them out or iron them out. So, if you lay your sweat vest on the floor in a crumpled mess, it&#;ll dry like that.

Our advice: It&#;s best the panels and carrier be laid flat to dry off in well ventilated places with no direct sunlight. You can store the vest assembled and put on a hanger in a closet.


6. Avoid Getting Your Body Armour Wet

It&#;s a really bad idea to go swimming with your body armor on. The reason is that some bulletproof vests (cheap versions) lose their ballistic performance when the ballistic material gets in direct contact with water. When this happens, it makes it susceptible to bullet penetration. All vests produced by MARS Armor are made with water resistant armor panels.

Our advice: Always check the ballistic panels for water resistant covering. Avoid buying cheap armor which can get penetrated after the first rainfall.


7. Stay Fit or Get A New Body Armor

The size of the vest is important to match the wearer&#;s body. It is a wrong the impression that the bigger the vest, the more protected you are. The user needs to feel comfortable with his body armor when sitting, running or performing his regular tasks. The movements should not be hindered by excessive protective area.

Our advice: When a person is being fitted for a vest they need to take and hold a deep breath, to get the right size of the body armor. If you change weight, you need to get a new vest or choose a model which allows improved size adjustment.


8. Place The Ballistic Panels In The Right Way

Ballistic panels are meant to fit into the carrier in a certain way. If the wearer puts them in wrongly, the results could be lethal. The panel&#;s strike face is created to stop and disperse the energy of the bullet. The backside of the panel is created to reduce the trauma. If the panel is flipped, there&#;s no guarantee that the system will work. For some ballistic solution, the strike face can be the both sides of the panel.

Our advice: Always insert the panels as noted in the instructions, usually there are labels on the panels to point which side must be facing the body.


9. Get A New Vest If The Old One Has Been Pierced By A Bullet Or Stab

The warranty of the body armours is voided after a bullet or stab impact. The ballistic material is damaged in the area in and around the impact location and the further usage is not advisable and only at wearer&#;s responsibility. It cannot be repaired but only replaced in order to continue using the product with warranty coverage.

Our advice: Do not wear a vest that has been shot by a bullet or stab. You may send it to the manufacturer to be recycled or order a spare part for replacement. Do not try to repair the body armor or its components by yourself.


10. Body Armor Designed For Women Officers

For optimal performance of their duty, women should only wear vests designed to cater to them. MARS Armor&#;s Ladies&#; vests  offer additional trauma security for the chest, have special ergonomic shape to fit the female body, and are designed with the appropriate bra style cups of the front ballistic panel &#; similar to designs of one-piece swimming suits.

For more Stab-Proof Vestinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Our advice: For maximum comfort and performance female officers should get women&#;s body armour.


These are just a few basic details you need to know about body armor and how to care for yours so it would keep its ballistic resistant qualities. Make a wise choice for your stab & ballistic protection, and take care of your body armour, as if you take care of yourself and your health.

10 Important Facts To Consider When Buying Bullet ...

1- Bullet &#;proof&#; doesn&#;t exist!

Your body armour will not protect you from all ballistic threats. It is a fabric based garment, not a magical indestructible barrier. Yes, body armour can be an outstanding fabric garment, but no body armour is &#;bulletproof&#; but only &#;bullet resistant&#; and we are very keen to make this clear every time we engage with customers. Every body armour can be defeated by a round, subject to the weight, its velocity, speed or calibre, or the angle the shot is being fired.

2- Your bullet resistant vests should stop the rounds fired by your own firearm!

Different government and security agencies wear different body armour and choose different protection levels. It's hard for you or your agency to anticipate what handgun and round represents the most realistic threat, but there's one threat you can anticipate: Your own sidearm.

A shocking number of law enforcement and security professionals are shot with their own weapons after their gun has been grabbed or accidentally discharged, or they got hit by a round fired by their own colleagues during a &#;chaotic&#; fire exchange, so your body armour should be able to defeat the rounds used by yourself and the other officers in your agency.

3- Unless your body armour is certified to a stab resistance standard your body armour is not likely to protect you from a knife attack!

Stab resistant vests are a totally different type of body armour than bullet resistant vests.  Every bullet resistant vest will offer some level of stab protection, but in many cases to a very minimal level.  On the other side, no stab resistant vest will offer any ballistic protection!

From the manufacturing point there is a massive difference between both threats and the technology used to protect from either threat is a different too.

If there is an identifiable and realistic operational ballistic and edged weapon threat than I do suggest to issue &#;Dual Purpose Vests&#; or &#;Multi-Threat Vests&#;.  They are of course available, but they are thicker, heavier and in most cases more expensive.

4- Throw away your body armour after you have been shot!

The following is of equal importance to both bullet resistant vests and stab resistant vests... when being hit throw the body armour away.

We can compare it to a motorbike helmet.  When you have an accident you really should get rid of your helmet, regardless if you can see a visible crack or not.  There might be a structural damage to the helmet, invisible to the human eye. The level of protection is now &#;unknown.

In regards to body armour this is just the same.  Only because a &#;bullet&#; didn&#;t penetrate the body armour, the body armour might have had to work to the very best of its ability to stop that round and the internal damage the round has done to the protective layers might prevent it from offering the same level of protection in the future&#; do not take such risk if avoidable!

5- Never wash your ballistic panels/inserts!

The best way to clean your ballistic panels is with a damp sponge and maybe some gentle soap. Don't throw them in the washing machine, don&#;t use bleach, don't put them in the dryer and don't iron them.

6- Kevlar® is really not the only ballistic material!

The first viable bullet resistant material was Kevlar® made by DuPont, in fact for a long time people called bullet resistant vests, &#;Kevlar Vests&#;.  Well, today Kevlar® might still be a reasonably popular bullet resistant material, but there are really several other high performance ballistic materials on the market, and many body armour manufacturers even use &#;systems&#; that incorporate more than one single material in the same vest.

Currently, the most popular ballistic materials for body  armour are Kevlar®, Twaron®, Goldflex®, Spectra Shield® and of course Dyneema®.  Some of these belong to the family of aramid fibres and some to the family of polyethylene.

7- There's only one right way!

Ballistic panels are designed to fit into your carrier in a very specific way. For example getting it wrong after the washing of the outer cover and re-inserting the ballistic panel incorrectly can lead to the loss of life!

The strike face of the ballistic panel is designed to slow the bullet and disperse the bullet's energy whereby the back of the panel is responsible to minimise the level of blunt force trauma.

8- Treat your body armour with care

Ballistic panels are made of many layers of bullet resistant materials. If they get bent out of shape, they simply cannot be ironed or straightened out again that easily. Also if you smash a sweaty vest into the bottom of your locker, it will dry in that shape.

If at all possible lay your body armour flat down in a dry environment e.g. office. A second option is to hang it up on a simple coat hanger, but don&#;t just throw it in the corner where people stamp on it etc. Remember your level of care can have an impact on the performance it will offer when you need it the most.

9- What does it feel like to get shot in your body armour?

First of all there are numerous cases of officers who have been shot in their body armour, all of which will end up with a nasty-looking bruise caused by blunt force trauma. But it is unlikely that it will even incapacitate you. Many officers shot in their armour have been able to shot back at their attacker, and in many cases they have been able to neutralise the threat.

So what does it feel like to get shot by a 9mm or .44Mag round?  Many would think it will feel like being hit by a hammer.  Well, that&#;s not true at all. It rather is an extremely sharp and stingy and very pointed pain, which will most likely wind you for a couple of seconds. Due to the kinetic energy and deformation of the &#;bullet&#; within a fraction of a second the heat will also potentially leave a small burn mark on your skin at the pint of impact.

If you have suffered from such assault you must seek immediate medical help and get checked out in case of any internal bleeding suffered due to rupture of any organs.

10- What is the latest international standard for body armour?

Many countries e.g. Germany and the UK have their own &#;body armour standard&#;. The one that is more or less accepted around the world is the &#;Ballistic Resistance of Body Armour NIJ Standard .06&#;.

NIJ Standard .06 establishes minimum performance requirements and test methods for the ballistic resistance of personal body armour intended to protect against gunfire. This minimum performance standard is a revision of NIJ Standard .04. It is a technical document that specifies the minimum performance requirements that equipment must meet to satisfy the requirements of criminal justice agencies around the world.

The highest possible level of ballistic protection possible for soft body armour is Level IIIA. Higher levels of protection from rifle ammo is only possible with aid of additional ballistic plates.



Author: Robert Kaiser, CEO of PPSS Group - www.ppss-group.com 

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Bulletproof Stab Proof Vest.